Call of mini zombies Wiki

Boss Raid is a game mode where you work together with other players to defeat bosses zombies, whose health has been massively inflated compared to campaign and survival. In addition, after a certain amount of time has passed, bosses will summon smaller zombies.

Players are given one first aid pack which can be used to revive a player by standing over them.

There are 7 Bosses:

Elite Zombie

Elite Swat

Flamethrower Zombie

Elite Nurse

Elite Flamethrower Zombie

Elite Shield Zombie


Elite Tank

Currently, Boss Raid is unavailable due to the 10 year anniversary update which has still not been removed. CoM:Z devs don’t seem to worry about this or the fanbase at all as they haven’t updated the game since. Some fans say that the removal of Boss Raid was a good idea due to the game dying out slowly over time.

